
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Park Fun :)

Grayson woke up around 5:30 throwing up due to acid reflux. Poor thing was hurting really bad and wouldn't drink anything for me. He kept holding his nose and his throat and I could tell fire was coming up and out :( We went back to sleep and he woke up feeling so much better! We ate breakfast, got dressed and headed to the park. It was nice outside but that wind was pretty chilly. Forgot that the park is in a bowl with lots of shade so that made it a little colder. We were the only ones there so that was nice. Grayson didn't want much to do with the playground. He climbed up every pair of stairs and played on this little bridge/ramp they have on the playground. He used it as a slide lol. He didn't want anything to do with the swings or the slides. He's gotten scared of swings ever since he turned 1. He used to love them but the movement makes his stomach drop and he feels like he's falling so no more swings until he can overcome that. He loves slides but didn't want to slide today probably because they were a little wet and it was cold. So we walked around the park with Grayson picking up every stick he could find. He then found one of the ponds and wanted to immediately get in them. Of course he got mad that I wouldn't let him. He doesn't realize that 1. it's cold, 2. it's not a bathtub, and 3. oh, hey! I can't swim! Lol! So I had to do some MAJOR coaxing and distracting with not only one pond but TWO! We had a lot of fun though minus the 2 major falls. Grayson is very clumsy and falls all of the time, so he fell multiple times but had 2 major falls today. One was on the bridge/ramp. He was trying to walk down it holding on to the railing but it's slippery and he fell off of the bridge/ramp flat on his head on the rocks. But got back up, brushed himself off and took it like a champ. He then was running with a stick in his hand and the asphalt pathways NEED to be redone. They are cracked and raised up and it's just horrible. Right as Grayson was taking my hand to go over the cracks, he tripped over one of them and got his fist scraped up knee. Poor thing cried for a minute but was all better after Mommy kissed his boo boo. He was more concerned about where his stick went than anything! Lol thankfully the stick didn't hurt him though. :)

We then went to Cribb's for lunch and went and saw my Nanie at work. Grayson is napping now and while he's doing that, I'm gonna go clean some house until he wake up which will probably be any minute now lol. Here are some pictures from today before my phone died on me lol



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