
Monday, March 2, 2015

Sick As A Dog!

So I haven't posted in over a week...because we've been sick. Bleh! We're finally recuperating and feeling A LOT better! I'm still sort of sick but Grayson has finally gotten over it. I'm just coughing my lungs up is all lol

We haven't been able to do color weeks for 2 weeks because of this nasty upper respiratory infection going on. We've had no energy, been sleeping the majority of the time, and just been completely blah! Even our meal plan has been blah! Lol so no new recipes either! I really can't wait until Spring! Summer, you can go on with your hot self! Lol! My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall. As much as I love going to a pool or the beach, I just can't stand the heat of Summer. And as much as I love building a snow man and playing in the snow, ummm no! Winter can go on with its cold self as well! We have such bi-polar weather here in South Carolina, it's not even funny! Like today, it was GORGEOUS outside and we were in Summer clothes! Wednesday of this week, they're calling for snow! Really? What the heck? See, what did I tell you? BI-POLAR! Lol

Anyway, my dad came into town yesterday from West Virginia so we've been hanging out with him pretty much all day. We went to the park on this gorgeous day. I was SO proud of Grayson! He used to LOVE swings and slides. He started becoming very scared of swings so he switched to slides. A few weeks ago when I took him to the park, he was terrified of the slides. It was heartbreaking because that's literally all he can really do at the park minus climbing the stairs and playing on the little bridge. Today, he went all out! He got on the swings and the slides! He only stayed on the swings for a minute before screaming his head off but he begged me to put him in the swing. He then HAD to test out all of the baby swings to make sure all of them were the same and gave him the same feeling lol. But he went to the big slide and went down that over and over again, got on the tunnel slide a few times and got on the twisting slide once. He wasn't really amused by the twisting slide lol but he loved how his voice echoed in the tunnel slide. Of course there had to be a little mud puddle at the end of the tunnel slide and OF COURSE Grayson had to play in it lol. All of the regular non-baby swings had a huge amount of water underneath them. I hate that! So I wasn't able to swing WITH Grayson like he wanted. But he had fun with Pop-Pop at the park and wore his little self out!

We spent pretty much all weekend decluttering the house and moving furniture around in our bedroom. We have TOO much stuff! It's crazy nonsense! Lol! My photo studio's closet is full of stuff to sell and I'm at my wits end and I'm donating half of the stuff. We're supposed to be having a garage sale at my grandparent's house soon so hopefully I can sell a lot of this stuff. I'm thinking about renting a table at the flea market to get rid of some stuff too. I'm totally going to regret getting rid of all this baby stuff especially Grayson's old clothes if we have another boy in the future. I used to HATE getting my sister's hand me downs so I guess our future baby won't have to deal with that, right? Lol! I never knew as a kid just how awesome hand me downs are! I don't think anyone wants to wear their older siblings clothes and stuff, but it definitely saves money on the parents! Haha!

This week we'll be pretty busy! With my dad being in town until Wednesday, trying to get the house decluttered, and all of that fun jazz, we're going to be exhausted lol. This weekend, Grayson and I are going out of town for the day on Sunday for my nephew's birthday party. It's going to be loads of fun! It's honestly Grayson's first birthday party he'll be attending where he can actually walk around and kind of understand lol.

Next Wednesday is the big day though! We have our appointment with BabyNet and I can't wait! I'm pretty nervous but I know Grayson will do well. I just pray he meets their percentage in order to get occupational therapy. I know in my heart that Grayson doesn't have a severe case of anything and since I've been working with him and since both TC and I have taken a better approach at disciplining Grayson and overall treat Grayson, he's gotten SO much better! But I also know that he needs some kind of therapy to get over certain things in his life so he won't have a problem later on. If he doesn't meet the percentage, I just pray they can give me the tools to better help Grayson. I just really need help getting him on a schedule, especially a sleep schedule. I've researched, read books, taken everyone's advice (except for the two suggestions I'm strongly against), I've literally done everything....annnnddd nothing! I'm praying that I can get him on a schedule before preschool starts in August and if I can't, hopefully being in preschool and having to wake up so early will do the trick!

I'm in the process of planning for Grayson's 2nd birthday and I can't wait! We aren't going all out like we did last year for his 1st birthday party but it's still going to be big. Grayson wanted a Toy Story party this year but he's so into dinosaurs now, that I don't know which one we're going to do now. I guess we need to decide fast because he's birthday will be here in no time!

 Praying we can get back on track with our color weeks and meal plans this week. We slept pretty much all day today. We're just so tired from not being able to get much sleep from being sleep and constantly waking up all stuffy. We just haven't been able to sleep very well being sick and all. Catching up on sleep is no joke! Lol! But we shall prevail and get over all of it soon.

Alrighty! I'm hopping off of here to go edit pictures. I'm so behind it's not even funny from being sick! Wish I was a doctor or a teacher because they NEVER get sick! Lol! I heard they take something so they don't get sick on a regular basis. I need whatever that is like NOW! Lol

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